Become the Undisputed Authority in your field

You’ve got the talent, experience, and expertise to become THE leading consultant in your field, but it’s not quite happened yet–what’s missing?

You feel like you’re one of the best kept secrets, and it makes you shake your fists with frustration. Why can’t the rest of the world realise it?

You scroll LinkedIn and see these peers of yours who don’t have your experience, don’t have your skills, and don’t have your track record, yet they’re the ones with 200 likes on their LinkedIn posts and a bunch of comments giving them high fives and fire emojis.

What if I could tell you that there’s just one, very attainable missing piece of the puzzle, that could change everything?

A place where you’re no longer compared with your contemporaries, clearly defined by the market as the number one consultant in your field.

“But Liam, why would I even want to become an Undisputed Authority?”

Usain Bolt won the 100m gold in the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Olympics. But tell me, who won silver in each of those Olympics?

My guess is you don’t know.

Bolt claimed first place a fraction of a second faster than his closest competitor, but the rewards between number 1 and 2 are miles apart.

He became a global icon, a Hall of Fame track star, securing multi-million dollar sponsorship deals with Puma and Visa. After retiring, his personal brand earned him the opportunity to expand into business, music, fashion, and entertainment.

We can’t even remember the name of the guy who came second.

Zipf’s law teaches us that, in any marketplace, the second ranked player has half the revenue of the first. The third has half the revenue of the third, and so on.
Zipf's Law
This principle plays out in your consulting market.

It’s also known as the 80/20 Pareto law: 20% of consultants collect 80% of available profits in the market.

But, within that 20%, the 80/20 law is at play again. 20% of this group collect 80% of that profit.
Pareto Law
“There are tremendous benefits to being the best in any particular area. Top performers might be only slightly more skilled than the people one level below them, yet they receive an exponential payoff. A small difference in relative performance—an athlete who can run 100 meters a few microseconds faster, a leader who can make better decisions, an opera singer who can go a little higher—can mean the difference between a lucrative career and relative obscurity. The people at the tops of their fields get it all. They are the winners in that particular market. And once someone is regarded as the best, they tend to retain that status.”

Farnham Street
Consultants like Nancy Duarte, David C. Baker, and April Dunford are the top consultants in their respective markets. The Undisputed Authorities.

All run seven-figure personal businesses.

They’re bestselling authors and speakers at some of the biggest conferences on the planet. Nancy Duarte has spoken for TED, Stanford Business School, and Harvard Business School, and those three talks alone have 3.85 million online views combined.

They’re THE go-to person for what they do. If you’re the principal of a creative firm looking to reposition your agency for an exit, you go to David C. Baker. He has no competition. No comparison with his peers. He literally wrote the book on it.

If you want to buy a $60,000 positioning workshop from April Dunford, join the waitlist. It’ll be months before you get an opportunity to work with her. She’s oversubscribed with prospects who have the budget to work with her, want to work with her, and are ready to buy the specific thing she offers.

They have so much opportunity that they don’t chase clients, clients chase them

So what exactly is this missing piece of the puzzle that Nancy, David, and April have, but the experts a few rungs down the thought leader ladder do not?

Well, let’s talk about one of those people.

He’s just as smart, works just as hard as Nancy, David, and April.

But, because he hasn’t captured the number one position in his market, the majority of the gains pass him by.

We’ll call this hypothetical person Six-Figure Sam.

Sam has a six-figure business, so he has traction, right? He’s not at zero, not a newbie. But he doesn’t have a seven-figure business yet.

He isn’t the Undisputed Authority.

His earnings are choppy. This year he’s up, next year he’s down. He’s always looking over his shoulder, wondering, is this the year business dries up?

He’s just as much an expert in his field as Nancy, David, and April are in their own, and he knows he’s good, but he doesn’t feel like the market knows. He has the competency, but he's not quite there yet in terms of articulating and shipping ideas.

He writes, and some of what he writes is well received. He has wisdom, but it’s vanilla. We’ve heard it all before. He’s not sharing anything disruptive, so he blends in with the dozen or so other experts saying the same kind of things.

Clients love Six-Figure Sam and refer him to others, but he has that seven-figure business in mind. He knows he has it in him. And it’s not really about the money.

It’s about the freedom to take his family out on big vacations and not think twice about the price tag. Taking every excursion he likes, not spending the whole day at the pool.

It’s a sense of untapped potential that gnaws away at him.

He wants the freedom to move away from implementation work and towards strategic work. He’s spending hours each day on Zoom when he’d rather develop a repeatable, defined methodology that he can productise.

He has a network of smart, trusted friends and advisors who give him advice on leveraging his expertise, but that just adds to the confusion. He's heard everything from "You should do a workshop" to "You should write a book."

He’s near the top, but not quite, and that gap between number one and number five might seem narrow, but the difference in outcomes is monumental.

So what jigsaw piece is Six-Figure Sam missing?

What completes the picture?

Six-Figure Sam is missing Disruptive Wisdom

Disruptive Wisdom means interesting, contrarian insights and stories. It’s new takes on old principles.

Best practices follow expected patterns. They’re boring and when you write content that follows those patterns, it’s ignorable.

Disruptive Wisdom is the opposite of that.It breaks a pattern.

It’s novel, and novelty catches attention.

Nothing’s new and the best ideas have been repeated for centuries.
Heart rates spike when people hear a new frame that resonates for the first time
There’s a reason why those ideas are evergreen. They’re valid, foundational, and going no where.
“The better stuff is the older stuff. Particularly stuff that stood the test of time. You could waste a lot of time messing around with things that are from the present day without realising that most of it is crap and will be forgotten in five years.”

Malcolm Gladwell
You’re not going to suddenly invent a new idea from nothing, but equally, you can’t expect to serve up the same ideas in the same way as everyone else and expect to get noticed.

Undisputed Authorities don’t invent new ideas, they invent new frames

And let me explain what a frame is.

A frame is the language that carries an idea, not the idea itself. And that frame shapes the way people think about the idea. It helps us develop mental pictures and feelings around an idea that we didn’t previously have.

Let me give you an example from George Lakoff.

Compare tax cut with tax relief.

Cuts are cold and calculated, but relief implies sympathy and cure to a pain.

Would you rather pitch your government as one offering cuts, or one offering relief?

You see?

Two terms that explain the same idea, but through completely different frames, and those frames change the way you see the idea.

Here are some more examples:
  • Emotional Intelligence vs Soft Skills
  • Purple Cow vs Differentiation
  • Lean Startup vs Trial and Error
Those were new frames created by Daniel Goleman, Seth Godin, and Eric Ries respectively.

The consultant develops a new frame that catches on and spreads. It resonates in a novel way that previous frames did not.

People start sharing posts about the new frame.

They message their colleagues, “Hey you’ve got to check this out. I’ve never thought about this topic this way before.”

The Disruptive Wisdom gathers momentum.

And then they want to know, “Who wrote this?”

“Oh, it’s David C. Baker.”

They go to David’s website and sign up with his newsletter, read a collection of his emails, buy his book, listen to his podcast. Then they pay him for a 1:1 engagement.

David goes on to become the market leader.

A new frame changes the game.

That’s how you get not just vanilla wisdom, but Disruptive Wisdom.

The person who communicates that Disruptive Wisdom naturally attracts attention, which leads to business revenue, then market leadership.

The ideas are timeless, the framing new.

And they don’t just have one frames, they have a string of them that connect with one another to form a body of work. Here’s just a handful of interesting, counterintuitive articles David C. Baker has published on his blog:
  • Management is counterintuitive
  • Stopping is as important as starting
  • Some tensions are actually healthy
  • Be reckless with money, but ruthless with time
  • Why the heck does everyone want to be like IDEO?
At any one time, he has 250 article ideas that he's constantly framing.

But don’t misunderstand, he’s not just cranking out content.

It’s like a musicians approach to creation.Taylor Swift famously builds her library of lyrics by curating “lists and lists and lists” of words she loves and phrases she hears people have in conversation.

She does that daily, but she doesn’t use it all.

She connects those words and phrases to one another to create lyrics. She combines some of those to write a song, then selects the very best and records them.

It’s similar with David. He won’t post every frame he comes up with, but he is constantly working on them. Refining them. Trying new frames, discarded most, retaining the best.

It’s almost like having a wardrobe full of different frames. Each week, when he decides to publish his email, he opens the wardrobe and decides which shirt he’ll wear today.
He's selecting frames like you or I would select shirts from our wardrobe
And, every time he does, he attracts more ideal-fit prospects who want to pay for a one-day $20,000 positioning workshop.

What if you had a bank of interesting frames?

Imagine, like David C. Baker, building a library of unique insights that you can access and share at any time. In a newsletter, on a podcast, on stage, or for today’s LinkedIn post.

You’re not randomly posting ‘into the void’ like Six-Figure Sam.

“But Liam, I’m not that creative. I can’t come up with all these unique frames like David C. Baker does.”

Baker wasn’t born with this prolific ability to develop Disruptive Wisdom.

During the first six years of his consulting practice, he had no inbound funnel or smart thinking to pull in clients. He was spending $40,000 per year on ads to generate enquiries, just like his peers were.

But things changed:
“I started consulting in 94 and I remember in 99 it just hit me that I was being asked similar questions repeatedly…I didn’t have a defendable point of view on certain topics… So I wrote down all the topics that I felt like I needed a point of view on and it came out 55 topics.”

David C. Baker
He did it the long way.

For the next 4.5 years, he published a long form newsletter each month covering those 55 evergreen topics.

Topics that have been around forever, ideas that everyone has already written about.

Then he develops a new perspective on each.

Old idea, new frame.

And notice something here:

He didn’t have Disruptive Wisdom before he started writing. He developed it through the process of writing

This was the launching pad to his position as the Undisputed Authority.

The contrarian insights, the library of framings, those all came about through a process of what David Foster Wallace calls, “Paying far closer attention and at far more length” on the subject than his peers were.

And, because he makes the commitment to develop a defendable point of view each month, he starts noticing things he’d otherwise miss. He pays attention in his day-to-day.

Whenever an interesting idea, perspective, or metaphor comes up, he collects it.

Then he publishes it, people start sharing it, they message their colleagues, find out who wrote it, email David to tell him how great his work is, they buy his book, listen to his podcasts, then pay for a $20,000 workshop.

“But Liam, this sounds like a lot of work.”

Who wants to spend five years forming an opinion?

Where do you find all this time to get creative, curate frames, write up stories, and build an audience?

There’s a way to fast track this, but not working alone. You’re too close to the subject to find this Disruptive Wisdom. Curse of Knowledge and all that.

Rather than relying on trial, error and years of posting before you get traction, why not bring someone from the outside in who can say, “Oh, out of your hundred posts, here are your strongest.”

And that's what I provide.
Liam Curley
Hi, I’m Liam. I’ve studied the world's top consultants. I’ve seen the patterns in Disruptive Wisdom. I can recognise Disruptive Wisdom from a mile off.

So rather than writing hundreds of posts, have me come in. We’ll spar on ideas, I’ll pull the expertise out of you, and we’ll figure out your best frames.
Jacob Mørch

“Working with Liam is like having a smart friend who pours you a proverbial 1.5 glass of pinot, then pulls wisdom out of you that you may or may not have known was hiding in there.”

Jacob Mørch

Co-founder at Braver

That’s exactly what Rick Rubin does. You’ve got to hear this story about The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Rick was hanging out for days at a time with The Red Hot Chilli Peppers when they were writing Blood Sugar Sex Magik. He’d ask Anthony Kiedes, “What are you working on? Show me the songs you’re writing.” Kiedes, as he puts it, showed Rubin all the ‘sexy’ and ‘heavy funk’ songs.

Rick: “That’s good, we can work with that. Anything else in the book?”

Anthony: “Just a poem that isn’t really a song. I mean, it has melody, but I don’t think it’s for us.”

Rick: “Well, let me hear it.”

Anthony: “It’s kind of embarrassing. It’s a little sentimental.”

Rick: “Love to hear it.”

Kiedes then sings Under The Bridge to Rubin.

Rick: “That’s your best song.”

Kiedes: “It’s just a poem.”

Rick: “Bring it in to the boys. Show ‘em the song.”
Under the bridge poem
The band subsequently love the song and it becomes the Chilli’s biggest hit of all time. Anthony Kiedes wrote the song.

Rick Rubin had the taste and perspective to recognise what Anthony could not.

A similar thing happened with Run D.M.C.

At the time, the mass market didn’t think hip hop was music. Rick was producing Run D.M.C. and wanted to release a record that ‘bridged the gap.’

Walk This Way by Aerosmith.

Cover songs weren’t a ‘thing’ in hip hop at the time, and Run D.M.C hated the idea. They thought the lyrics were ‘terrible.’

When did they realise Rick was right, that this was a hit in the making?
“I don’t know that they ever came around until it was really successful. Like I can remember, even when we recorded the vocals, they were sort of not into it.”

Rick Rubin
Run D.M.C. subsequently become cross over sensations and, as a result, hip hop shifts into the mainstream. That doesn’t happen if Run D.M.C. are working solo. They’re too close. Can’t see the label from inside the jar.

Rick is the Tastemaker. He can recognise what’s good and what’s not. He hears what the ‘expert’, the musician, cannot. And that interaction between producer and artist creates the Hit.

Bring me on as your Thought Partner

The thought partner package is a 1:1 engagement where I work with expert consultants to help them identify unique, counter intuitive insight (Disruptive Wisdom) that goes against the grain of every other consultant working in their field.

Together, we’ll build a framework of frames that hang together, then develop them into interesting, story-led content that you can repackage into books, newsletters, podcasts, speaking presentations, digital courses, training video series’, or any number of other formats.
Thought Partner Calendar
All with the purpose of growing your business by leveraging your mind and expertise for greatest impact and profit in your business.

“Liam’s strength is to listen, research and then mirror back your story in a way that everyone can understand, helping you  create content that resonates.”

Ian Cox

CEO at Avark

Here are ten benefits of the Thought Partner Package:

1/ Clarify your unique positioning: Nail down a clear, distinct position that sets you apart from the pack, clearly and persuasively articulating the value you provide relative to the competition.

2/ Uncover the ideas you didn’t know you had: Dig deep to uncover hidden gems and turn them into insight that resonates with your audience.

3/ Develop a repeatable methodology: Turn your expertise into a codified, scalable system that you can sell, teach, and replicate—freeing you up to focus on thought leadership, not just delivery.

4/ Create a defendable body of work: Create a consistent, defendable body of work—whether it’s articles, a book, or a signature framework—that showcases your expertise and becomes the foundation of your authority.

5/ Publish a Hit piece of content: Work towards getting you the Hit, whether it be a TEDx talk or a bestselling book—that cements your place as the Undisputed Authority in your field.

6/ Tell stories that resonate: Craft narratives that connect emotionally with your audience, turning your knowledge into memorable stories that stick.

7/ Build a content ecosystem: Build an ecosystem of ideas that hang from a core message, so you’re never scrambling for something to say on LinkedIn, in your newsletter, or on your podcast.

8/ Align your content with your offerings: You can’t pay your bills with YouTube views. I make sure that we reverse engineer all this content from what you actually sell so that it naturally leads into your offerings.

9/ Build relationships with ideal fit clients: Build your own newsletter and audience to regularly engage with ideal fit readers and launch new offers.

10/ Borrow audiences strategically: Find the right platforms, podcasts, and guest opportunities to get in front of the people who already need what you have to offer—and bring them back to you.

Here’s how it works:

First, we’ll build a visual roadmap of your journey to becoming an Undisputed Authority

We get clarity on your goals, then build a visual roadmap showing you the path to achieving those goals and the key milestones to hit in order to get there. We’ll figure out fundamentals like:
  • Who is your ideal client?
  • What progress are they trying to make in their life?
  • What do they call the job they hired you to do?
  • What are the symptoms of their problem related to this job?
  • What do you want them to think and feel after reading your content?
  • Once they fall in love with your content, what action are they going to take? What are they buying?
The answers to these questions give us direction on the strategy behind your body of work.

Then, we figure out the missing pieces of your puzzle

Disruptive Wisdom Framework
The Disruptive Wisdom Framework is the same for every consultant:
  • Disruptive Wisdom - Everything stems from here. We develop idea atoms. These are interesting, unique, contrarian points of view around your expertise.
  • Who: The specific audience for your insights and products. Without knowing who you’re speaking to, you risk being too generic to resonate deeply with anyone.
  • Borrowed Audience - The place outside your newsletter where you share your work to attract ideal fit readers to your Homebase. You only need one format (that works). Could be LinkedIn, guest podcasting, list swapping, etc.
  • Home Base - A place, like a newsletter, where you build an audience of ideal fit readers who receive regular content from you. Here, you build deeper relationships and intermittently promote new offers and launches.
  • Hit - The book, presentation, or video that presents your body of work as one complete package.
  • Product - World class content connects with aligned brand positioning and a clear value proposition.
To become an Undisputed Authority, the order in which we approach each pillar varies from consultant to consultant. What’s universal is that every modern thought leader has nailed each of the pillars, so together, that’s what we work towards.

And maybe you’re already covered on some. For example, your product and messaging might be dialled in and you already have a thriving Home Base newsletter. In that scenario, we might focus on developing Disruptive Wisdom whilst excelling at one specific channel to Borrow an Audience.

Now, I’ll review everything you’ve already made

I’ll check out everything you’ve written and recorded. Acting as Tastemaker, I’ll pick out your best stuff, the interesting framings you’ve already touched on. If we have the makings of something, I’ll tell you what our angle is for the Hit we’re going to make.

Next, we build your library of frames

We have a weekly 1:1 call and I’ll pull the insight out of you, helping you see patterns across the problems you’ve been solving again and again. Helping you see things that, being so close to the subject, you can’t currently see.
Your Frames
On these calls, we’ll make comparisons and observations that you’ve not thought to make. It’s hard for you to process the ‘ahas’ as an expert, because to you, they’re not ‘ahas’. But, hearing everything you say from the listeners perspective, I’ll spot them.

If required, I’ll build skeletal frameworks for chapters, newsletters, or social posts. Connecting the interesting things you said on a call and turning them into a compelling narrative that pulls a reader through. Old ideas, new frames. You then edit and write them up.

Then we’ll start identifying the body of work

After a couple of months working together, themes begin to emerge. We’ve collected several frames and a handful of categories become clear. These categories form the outline of your body of work, your Hit.

A bonus: The process of building that library helps you clarify and codify a methodology that captures the compelling nature of how you work.
Your body of work

Then we’ll start identifying the body of work

This is the embodiment of your work. The business card.

By this point, we’ve selected the format for the Hit and created an outline. We have the weekly calls to develop stories, analogies, research, and populate each chapter. We’re organising any additional resources (e.g. editors, line editors, book cover designers, visuals, etc.).

You’re writing in between calls and sending me work to review and feedback.

But you’re not disappearing from the face of the Earth. Simultaneously, we’re splicing up your work to publish frequently to build your profile, brand, and audience. Meaning, when the time comes to release the Hit, you have a captive audience ready and eager to buy and spread the word.

And there’s a 1+1=3 effect here.

The framed ideas come together to create a Hit that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

The readers see one frame and think, “Wow, that’s awesome.” The next week they see another, then another. But actually, what’s going on behind the scenes, these frames are all part of a larger methodology and there’s a benefit to the reader in having that larger methodology packaged in one complete body of work.
Oren Greenberg

“What surprised me working with Liam was the depth of content that we produced. A homogeneous series of articles that work well end to end. I’ve never produced that. Often what I produce is quite fragmented or bitty.”

Oren Greenberg

B2B SaaS Marketing Advisor


Thought Leader is a minimum 6-month engagement with an investment of $2,500/month.

Ask about the optional add ons.

Ready to get to the top of your field?

Book a Discovery Call to figure out if we’re a fit


If we are not a good fit, I don't want your money. If you are not satisfied for any reason after the first 30 days, I will refund my entire fee in full. After that, there are no refunds under any circumstances.

"Liam understands how to distil complex strategies and dynamics into simple and powerful stories and visuals. Engaging, unforgettable, and deeply effective, Liam’s approach to marketing is both refreshing and masterful."

Renee Guilbault

Founder at Essayer Consulting

Who is this for?

  • You’re a consultant. Maybe you're solo, maybe you run a small firm with some support staff, but you don’t outsource the work. You’re not an agency. People pay to access your expertise.
  • You’ve probably worked for a decade or more in your area of expertise.
  • You’re earning multiple 6-figures and the next target is 7-figures. You’re always seeking a way to better leverage your expertise, not simply work longer hours.
  • You want to ease back on implementation (and raise the price) or stop entirely. That’ll free you up to do more deep, creative work that anchors you as the expert in doing what you do.
  • You’ve might have done some speaking in your time, written articles and posts, been a guest on podcasts, maybe even written a book. But for everything mentioned, you feel like the content doesn’t produce the number of inbound opportunities you would like.
  • Your goal is to be a leading voice in your industry, and while you’re a leader, you want to become The Undisputed Authority.
  • You don’t believe expert content is a volume play. It’s about being different. Old ideas, new frames—Disruptive Wisdom.

Start getting the respect and recognition your expertise deserves

Don’t spend the rest of your life as Six-Figure Sam.

Overlooked, watching people with far less talent and experience get the attention and recognition you deserve. Stuck chasing the same methods–daily LinkedIn posts, free webinars, expensive ad campaigns, or relying on referrals–seeing little progress in return.

It’s not about doing more–it’s about doing what matters.

Undisputed Authorities and seven-figure businesses are built through Disruptive Wisdom.

And you have a choice. You can do it the long way. Trial and error like David C. Baker, putting out tons and tons of content to see what sticks.

Or, if you want the fast track, bring in a tastemaker. Someone who can manage the project (there’s a lot of moving pieces that go along with this.)

If you’re ready to finally take your place at the top, let's make it happen.

Click below to book a call.


Who does the writing?

You. As tempting as it might be to outsource this to a ghostwriter, ghostwriting doesn’t produce thought leadership insight. Disruptive Wisdom is about looking far closer at your subject and niche than many others do. You look, you think, you write. Those are components of a system, and the parts work in tandem. The act of putting the sentences together is the act of thinking. There may be outliers, but on the whole, every Undisputed Authority does their own writing.

Can we sign an NDA?

Absolutely. If you need an NDA, either I’ll sign your version or I can provide a simple NDA for us to work to.

I’ve already started writing a book. Will this help or distract me?

I work with clients who’ve already started writing. Often they find that our work together brings greater clarity and direction to their writing.

I want to write a book. Can I do it in six months?

If you’ve written a first draft already and you’re working with me to refine and improve it, 6 months could be enough, but it’s tight. Depends how good the draft is. Otherwise, if you’re starting from scratch, we’ll probably need between 9-12 months to get the first manuscript ready to send to an editor.

Do you act as a project manager?

I do. If we’re working on a Hit and you need me to project manage and push you to meet deadlines, I will.

What technology do we work with?

Everything is documented in Notion. We communicate through Slack or email. Whichever you prefer.

What if I’m not a good writer?

In B2B nonfiction, good writing is about structure, stories, interesting ideas, and value. I can teach you how to tell better stories and structure a narrative. We’ll pull the interesting ideas and value out of you. If you’re content isn’t where you want it to be right now, it’s unlikely that a lack of ability to write is the problem. More likely it’s a lack of ideas and structure.

Does this work for video or audio?

Yep. Stories and structure are universal. We’ll likely need to bring in some additional resources for editing, sound, graphics, etc. But we can absolutely turn this work to other formats.

Can you create visuals for me?

All the illustrations you see on my website are made by me. I do work with some clients on their illustrations when they want to visualise their ideas. Availability varies. If this is something you’re interested in, let me know on our discovery call.

All the illustrations you see on my website are made by me. I do work with some clients on their illustrations when they want to visualise their ideas. Availability varies. If this is something you’re interested in, let me know on our discovery call.